International Economic Law and International Economic Order

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International Economic Law and International Economic Order

Beitrag von Le89 »

Thema: WTO

Hallo zusammen,
ich hoffe ich bin hier mit meinen Fragen richtig und es kennt sich jemand mit diesem Thema besser aus als ich.
Leider bin ich unsicher was mein Verständnis von dem Thema angeht und hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen das ein wenig aus der Welt zu schaffen.
Für Anregungen bin ich sehr dankbar.

1) A, a WTO member, has made a commitment to bin its (e.g.) laptop tariffs at 20%

Can A apply a higher or lower tariff on laptops imported from other WTO members?

Can A apply a higher or lower tariff on laptops imported from non-WTO members?

2) Two WTO members, free trade area, bring all tariffs between them to 0%

Can one of them apply a tariff other than 0% on imported products from other WTO members? Is that different if they do not bring all tariff rates between them to 0%?(Art.XXIV GATT?)

3) A, a WTO member, adopts a regulation to impose a VAT of 20% on imported (e.g.) bicycles from B, another WTO member, and a 10% on domestic bicylces. In addition, A applies a 15% customs duty to imported bicylces from C and a 10% customs duty from C, a non WTO member.

Which countries have claims under which standards?

How are the claims if the custom duty for C is 12%?

4) A WTO member grants tax advantages to domestic companies producing a particular type of (e.g.) laptop bought by the government for military purposes.

Does the member violate a WTO law provision and if so whicht one? (Art.3 GATT?)

5) A, a WTO member, grants preferential tariff rates to companies from B, another WTO member, producing a particular type of (e.g.) laptop bought by the government of A for military purposes. C, another WTO member decieds to complain about this.

Does A violate a WTO Law provision and if so which one? Would the answer be different if B was a non WTO member? How would be the answer if C was a non WTO member?
Beiträge: 9032
Registriert: Dienstag 25. November 2003, 10:25
Ausbildungslevel: Interessierter Laie

Re: International Economic Law and International Economic Or

Beitrag von Baron »

Was sind denn Deine eigenen Lösungsvorschläge?